How to Remove a RAR/WinRAR Password Using CMD

If you have ever forgotten the password for a RAR/WinRAR file, it can be incredibly frustrating. However, there is a way to remove the password using Command Prompt (CMD) without the need for any additional software.

Steps to Remove a RAR/WinRAR Password Using CMD:

  1. Launch Command Prompt: Open the Start menu, type ‘cmd’ in the search bar, and press Enter.
  2. Change Directory: Navigate to the location of the password-protected RAR file using the ‘cd’ command. For example, if the file is on your desktop, type ‘cd desktop’.
  3. Enter Command: Once you are in the directory, type the following command: ‘unrar e -p- filename.rar’. This command will remove the password from the RAR file.
  4. Password Removed: After executing the command, the RAR file will be extracted without the need for a password.

It is important to note that this method only works if the RAR file uses a simple password. For complex passwords, additional software may be required.

By following these simple steps, you can easily remove the password from a RAR/WinRAR file using Command Prompt (CMD). Say goodbye to forgotten passwords and regain access to your files effortlessly!