How to Do Text to Speech on Tiktok

Adding a Unique Twist: How to Use Text-to-Speech on TikTok

TikTok, a platform known for its innovative features, offers a text-to-speech option that adds an engaging and creative element to your videos. Text-to-speech allows you to convert written text into spoken words, enabling you to add narration, emphasis, and personality to your content. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the steps to use text-to-speech on TikTok, allowing you to give your videos a unique twist and connect with your audience in a new way.

Section 1: Enabling Text-to-Speech

  • Open TikTok App: Launch the TikTok app on your device and log in to your account.
  • Create or Upload Video: Start by creating a new video or selecting an existing video from your gallery.
  • Access Video Editing: Once you’re in the video editing interface, tap on the “Text-to-Speech” option. This is usually represented by a speaker icon or a sound wave icon.

Section 2: Adding Text and Customizing Speech

  • Enter Text: In the text-to-speech interface, type the text you want to convert into speech. This can be a narration, commentary, or any message you’d like to convey.
  • Choose Voice Style: TikTok often provides options for different voice styles. Select the voice that best suits the tone and mood of your video.
  • Adjust Speed and Emphasis: Depending on the platform’s capabilities, you might be able to adjust the speed of the speech and add emphasis to certain words or phrases.

Section 3: Preview and Fine-Tuning

  • Preview Audio: Before finalizing, listen to the text-to-speech audio to ensure it aligns with your video’s content and message.
  • Make Adjustments: If necessary, make any adjustments to the text, voice style, speed, or emphasis to achieve the desired effect.

Section 4: Incorporating Text-to-Speech Creatively

  • Narration: Use text-to-speech to provide narration for your videos, guiding viewers through the content.
  • Quotes and Messages: Convert quotes, jokes, or messages into speech to add a personal touch to your videos.

Section 5: Captions and Accessibility

  • Adding Captions: Although text-to-speech provides audio, consider adding captions to make your content accessible to viewers who prefer or require written text.
  • Translating Text: If your content reaches a global audience, use text-to-speech to translate messages into various languages, making your videos more inclusive.

Section 6: Tips for Effective Use

  • Clear Pronunciation: Opt for clear and concise text to ensure accurate pronunciation by the text-to-speech feature.
  • Natural Flow: Aim for a natural flow of speech by using appropriate punctuation and breaks in the text.


Text-to-speech on TikTok is a versatile tool that enables you to convey messages, add narration, and experiment with new forms of content creation. By following the steps outlined in this guide and considering the creative possibilities, you can confidently integrate text-to-speech into your videos. Whether you’re sharing stories, conveying messages, or simply experimenting with new audio formats, text-to-speech adds an exciting layer of engagement and creativity to your TikTok content, capturing the attention and imagination of your audience in novel ways.